South Korea in Turmoil: What About the Public's Mental Health?
°íÀºº° °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ | ½ÂÀÎ 2025.02.18 21:41

South Korea has recently grappled with heightened uncertainty amid political turmoil and successive societal incidents. While economic repercussions have destabilized financial markets and shaken international credit ratings, the shock of large-scale disasters has left deep scars on the collective psyche of its citizens. This multifaceted crisis is eroding mental stability and amplifying fatigue and anxiety across all layers of society.

Recent economic and social incidents have significantly impacted the majority of South Korean citizens, with socially vulnerable groups and the middle class bearing an even more significant psychological burden amidst the ongoing turmoil. Experts warn that these circumstances may have long-term adverse effects on the mental health of the population.

Political instability and large-scale societal events have triggered financial market volatility, reduced consumer confidence, and caused psychological trauma on an individual level. For instance, sharp declines in the stock market and surges in the KRW-USD exchange rate have undermined citizens' financial security. At the same time, large-scale disasters have left lasting psychological impacts, not only on the families of direct victims but also on those who have been exposed to such events through various media outlets.

These issues have intensified over the past few weeks, with a notable surge in public anxiety and fatigue immediately following recent incidents. 
The problem is pervasive across the nation. In metropolitan areas, economic instability has led to a rapid decline in consumer sentiment, while in rural regions, the psychological repercussions of societal incidents have been particularly pronounced.

This situation stems from the interplay of political uncertainty and economic instability. Analysts identify financial market downturns, reduced consumer spending, and large-scale disasters as key factors undermining the psychological stability of citizens. For example, a recent survey found that six out of ten citizens have experienced psychological stress due to recent events.

The mental health of the public is being affected in multiple ways. Economic uncertainty exacerbates financial stress, while large-scale disasters leave psychological scars on citizens. In response, experts have called for expanding psychological counseling services and implementing stronger government-led mental health support policies. They also emphasize the importance of fostering environments where individuals can seek help, such as through mental health campaigns within local communities and schools.

In a time when economic turmoil and societal incidents are amplifying the psychological burden on daily life, the need for attention and support for mental health has never been more critical. Experts emphasize that addressing these issues requires active efforts from the government and society, while citizens must also take excellent initiative in prioritizing their mental well-being.

[Source: Korea Economic Research Institute Report, January 10, 2025]
[Source: Korean Association of Mental Health, January 2025 report]



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